Weight of 1 cubic meter of M10, M15, M20, and M25 Concrete

Hello, readers today we are going to discuss the 1 cum concrete weight. Because cubic meter is a measurement unit. But concrete comes in many grades, So Different grade of concrete has a different weight. So we will also discuss the weight of 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, The weight of 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, the Weight of 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, and the weight of 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete.

Concrete is a very important building material, and It has various grades like M10, M15, M20, M25, etc. M represents the mix and Number represents the compressive strength of concrete. Different grade of concrete has different Cement, sand, and aggregate mix ratio. So the compressive strength of different grades of concrete is different.

Weight of 1 cubic meter of M10, M15, M20, and M25 concrete
Weight of 1 cubic meter of M10, M15, M20, and M25 concrete

What is Concrete

Concrete is one of the most important building materials and concrete is made up of a mixture of Cement, Sand, and Aggregate. If concrete is made up of only a mixture of cement, sand, and aggregate that is called dry concrete. But if the Mixture is made up of Cement, Sand, Aggregate, and water that is called wet concrete.

Weight of concrete

1 cum concrete weight:
Generally, the weight of 1 cubic meter of concrete is approx 2.4 tonnes for PCC. In which cement is 350 kg, sand is 700 kg, aggregate is 1200 kg and water is 150 liters. But RCC concrete weight is around 2.5 tonnes. Generally, steel is used in concrete, so we have added 100 kg of steel in concrete weight.

If you will measure concrete weight in the cubic yard, then the weight of concrete will be 4050 lb per cubic yard. Usually, concrete weight is measured in pounds in the US.

Weight of 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete

If you want to calculate 1 cubic meter M10 concrete weight. Then you will have to know which mix ratio is used for the M10 grade. For M10 grade concrete mix ratio is 1:3:6, where 1 part is cement, 3 part sand, 6 part is aggregate, and the water-cement ratio is 0.60.

Sum of total ratio = 1+3+6 = 10

The part of cement in mix = 1/10

Part of sand in mix = 3/10

Part of aggregate in mix = 6/10

Density of cement ÷ 1440 kg/m3

Required cement quantity for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete:

Cement quantity = part of cement in the mix × density of cement
= 1/10 × (1440)
= 144

This is the wet volume of cement. If you want to know the dry quantity of cement, then you have to multiply by 1.54 in the wet volume of cement.

Dry cement quantity = wet volume of cement × 1.54
= 144 × 1.54
= 221.76 = 222 kg.

For the 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, 222 kg of cement requires.

Since 1 bag of cement contains 50 kg cement.
So, 222 kg = 222 ÷ 50
= 4.44 bags.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, 4.44 bags of cement requires.

Sand and Aggregate Quantity for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete

As we know, According to IS Code for M10 grade of concrete 480 kg mixture of sand and aggregate required 1 bag of cement which should be of 50 kg.

Required Sand and Aggregate quantity for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete

Sand and Aggregate Quantity = 480 × total number of bags.
= 480 × 4.44
= 2131. 2 = 2131 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, 2131kg Sand and Aggregate requires.

Total weight of 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete = Sand and Aggregate weight + Cement weight.
2131 + 222 = 2353 kg.

Sand required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete

The Sand part in the mix = 3/10

Sand quantity in 1m3 of M10 concrete = 3/10 × 2353
= 7059 ÷ 10
= 705.9 = 706 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, 706 kg Sand requires.

Aggregate required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete

The Aggregate part in the mix = 6/10

Aggregate quantity in 1m3 of M10 concrete = 6/10 × 2353
= 14118 ÷ 10
= 1411.8 = 1412 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, 1412 kg aggregate requires.

Water required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete

Water is required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, the cement-to-water ratio is 0.60 which is 60% of the cement.

So, the water quantity for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete = 60/100 × 222
= 0.6 × 222
= 133.2 = 133 liters.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, 133 liters of water requires.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M10 grade concrete = Cement weight + sand weight + Aggregate weight + water
= 222 + 706 + 1412 + 133 liters.
= 2473 kg.

So, the total weight of 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete is 2473 kg in wet conditions. But the weight of 1 cubic meter of concrete is about 2339 kg.

Weight of 1 cubic meter of M15 grade concrete

If you want to calculate 1 cubic meter M15 concrete weight. Then you will have to know which mix ratio is used for the M15 grade. For M15 grade concrete mix ratio is 1:2:4, where 1 part is cement, 2 part sand, 4 part is aggregate, and the water-cement ratio is 0.60.

Sum of total ratio = 1+2+4 = 7

The part of cement in the mix = 1/7

Part of sand in mix = 2/7

Part of aggregate in mix = 4/7

Density of cement ÷ 1440 kg/m3

Required cement quantity for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete:

Cement quantity = part of cement in the mix × density of cement
= 1/7 × (1440)
= 205.7 = 206

This is the wet volume of cement. If you want to know the dry quantity of cement, then you have to multiply by 1.54 in the wet volume of cement.

Dry cement quantity = wet volume of cement × 1.54
= 206 × 1.54
= 317.24 = 317 kg.

For the 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, 317 kg of cement requires.

Since 1 bag of cement contains 50 kg cement.
So, 317 kg = 317 ÷ 50
= 6.34 bags.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, 6.34 bags of cement requires.

Sand and Aggregate Quantity for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete

As we know, According to IS Code for M15 grade concrete 330 kg mixture of sand and aggregate required 1 bag of cement which should be of 50 kg.

Required Sand and Aggregate quantity for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete

Sand and Aggregate Quantity = 330 × total number of bags.
= 330 × 6.34
= 2092.2 = 2092 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, 2090 kg Sand and Aggregate requires.

Total weight of 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete = Sand and Aggregate weight + Cement weight.
2092 + 317 = 2409 kg.

Sand required for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete

The Sand part in the mix = 2/7

Sand quantity in 1m3 of M15 concrete = 2/7 × 2409
= 4818 ÷ 7
= 688.28 = 688 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, 688 kg Sand requires.

Aggregate required for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete

The Aggregate part in the mix = 4/7

Aggregate quantity in 1m3 of M15 concrete = 4/7 × 2409
= 9636 ÷ 7
= 1376.57 = 1377 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, 1377 kg aggregate requires.

Water required for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete

Water is required for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, the cement-to-water ratio is 0.60 which is 60% of the cement.

So, the water quantity for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete = 60/100 × 317
= 0.6 × 317
= 190.2 = 190 liters.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, 190 liters of water requires.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M15 grade concrete = Cement weight + sand weight + Aggregate weight + water
= 317 + 688 + 1377 + 190 liters.
= 2572 kg.

So, the total weight of 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete is 2572 kg in wet conditions. But the weight of 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete is about 2382 kg.

Weight of 1 cubic meter of M20 grade concrete

If you want to calculate 1 cubic meter M20 concrete weight. Then you will have to know which mix ratio is used for the M20 grade. For M20 grade concrete mix ratio is 1:1.5:3, where 1 part is cement, 1.5 part sand, 3 part is aggregate, and the water-cement ratio is 0.55.

Sum of total ratio = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5

The part of cement in mix = 1/5.5

Part of sand in mix = 1.5/5.5

Part of aggregate in mix = 3/5.5

Density of cement ÷ 1440 kg/m3

Required cement quantity for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete:

Cement volume = part of cement in the mix × density of cement
= 1/5.5 × (1440)
= 261.81 = 262

This is the wet volume of cement. If you want to know the dry quantity of cement, then you have to multiply by 1.54 in the wet volume of cement.

Dry cement quantity = wet volume of cement × 1.54
= 262 × 1.54
= 403.48 = 403 kg.

For the 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, 403 kg of cement requires.

Since 1 bag of cement contains 50 kg cement.
So, 403 kg = 403 ÷ 50
= 8.06 = 8 bags.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, 8 bags of cement requires.

Sand and Aggregate Quantity for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete

As we know, According to IS Code for M20 grade concrete 250 kg mixture of sand and aggregate required 1 bag of cement which should be 50 kg.

Required Sand and Aggregate quantity for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete

Sand and Aggregate Quantity = 250 × total number of bags.
= 250 × 8
= 2000 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, 2000 kg of Sand and Aggregate requires.

Total weight of 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete = Sand and Aggregate weight + Cement weight.
2000 + 403 = 2403 kg.

Sand required for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete

The Sand part in the mix = 1.5/5.5

Sand quantity in 1m3 of M20 concrete = 1.5/5.5 × 2403
= 3604.5 ÷ 5.5
= 655.36 = 655 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, 655 kg Sand requires.

Aggregate required for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete

The Aggregate part in the mix = 3/5.5

Aggregate quantity in 1m3 of M20 concrete = 3/5.5 × 2403
= 7209 ÷ 5.5
= 1310.72 = 1311 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, 1311 kg aggregate requires.

Water required for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete

Water is required for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, the cement-to-water ratio is 0.55 which is 55% of the cement.

So, the water quantity for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete = 55/100 × 403
= 0.55 × 403
= 221.6 = 222 liters.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, 222 liters of water requires.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M20 grade concrete = Cement weight + sand weight + Aggregate weight + water
= 403 + 655 + 1311 + 222 liters.
= 2591 kg.

So, the total weight of 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete is 2591 kg in wet conditions. But the weight of 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete is about 2369 kg.

Weight of 1 cubic meter of M25 grade concrete

If you want to calculate 1 cubic meter M25 concrete weight. Then you will have to know which mix ratio is used for the M25 grade. For M25 grade concrete mix ratio is 1:1:2, where 1 part is cement, 1 part sand, 2 part is aggregate, and the water-cement ratio is 0.50.

Sum of total ratio = 1+1+2 = 4

The part of cement in mix = 1/4

Part of sand in mix = 1/4

Part of aggregate in mix = 2/4

Density of cement ÷ 1440 kg/m3

Required cement quantity for 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete

Cement quantity = part of cement in the mix × density of cement
= 1/4 × (1440)
= 360

This is the wet volume of cement. If you want to know the dry quantity of cement, then you have to multiply by 1.54 in the wet volume of cement.

Dry cement quantity = wet volume of cement × 1.54
= 360 × 1.54
= 554.4 = 554 kg.

For the 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete, 554 kg of cement requires.

Since 1 bag of cement contains 50 kg cement.
So, 554 kg = 554 ÷ 50
= 11.08 = 11 bags.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete, 11 bags of cement requires.

Sand and Aggregate Quantity for 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete

As we know, According to IS Code for M25 grade concrete 165 kg mixture of sand and aggregate required 1 bag of cement which should be of 50 kg.

Required Sand and Aggregate quantity for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete

Sand and Aggregate Quantity = 165 × total number of bags.
= 165 × 11
= 1815 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete, 1815 kg of Sand and Aggregate requires.

Total weight of 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete = Sand and Aggregate weight + Cement weight.
1815 + 554 = 2369 kg.

Sand required for 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete

The Sand part in the mix = 1/4

Sand quantity in 1m3 of M25 concrete = 1/4 × 2369
= 3604.5 ÷ 5.5
= 592.25 = 592 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete, 592 kg Sand requires.

Aggregate required for 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete

The Aggregate part in the mix = 2/4

Aggregate quantity in 1m3 of M25 concrete = 2/4 × 2369
= 4738 ÷ 4
= 1184.5 = 1184 kg.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete, 1184 kg aggregate requires.

Water required for 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete

Water is required for 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete, the cement-to-water ratio is 0.50 which is 50% of the cement.

So, the water quantity for 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete = 50/100 × 554
= 0.50 × 554
= 221.6 = 277 liters.

Therefore, For the 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete, 277 liters of water requires.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M25 grade concrete = Cement weight + sand weight + Aggregate weight + water
= 554 + 592 + 1184 + 277 liters.
= 2607 kg.

So, the total weight of 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete is 2607 kg in wet conditions. But the weight of 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete is about 2330 kg.

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In this article, we have learned how much weight of 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete, how much weight of 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete, how much weight of 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete, and how much weight of 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M10 concrete

The weight of 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete is 2473 kg. Where cement quantity is 222 kg, sand quantity is 706 kg, aggregate quantity is 1412 kg, and water quantity is 133 liters.

How much cement is required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete?

222 kg or 4.44 bags of cement is required for 1m3 M10 grade concrete.

How much sand is required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete?

706 kg sand is required for 1m3 M10 grade concrete.

How much aggregate is required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete?

1412 kg aggregate is required for 1m3 M10 grade concrete.

How much water is required for 1 cubic meter of M10 concrete?

133 liters of water is required for 1m3 M10 grade concrete.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M15 concrete

The weight of 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete is 2572 kg. Where cement quantity is 317 kg, sand quantity is 688 kg, aggregate quantity is 1377 kg, and water quantity is 190 liters.

How much cement is required for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete?

For 1 cubic meter of M15 grade concrete, 317 or 6.34 bags of cement are required.

How much sand do I need for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete?

For 1 cubic meter of M15 grade concrete, 688 kg sand is required.

How much aggregate is required for 1 cubic meter of M15 concrete?

For 1 cubic meter of M15 grade concrete, 1377 kg sand is required.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M20 concrete

The weight of 1 cubic meter of M20 concrete is 2591 kg. Where cement quantity is 403 kg, sand quantity is 655 kg, aggregate quantity is 1311 kg, and water quantity is 222 liters.

Weight of 1 cubic meter M25 concrete

The weight of 1 cubic meter of M25 concrete is 2607 kg. Where cement quantity is 554 kg, sand quantity is 592 kg, aggregate quantity is 1184 kg, and water quantity is 277 liters.

1 cubic meter concrete weight

The weight of 1 cubic meter of concrete is approx 2.4 tonnes for PCC and 2.5 tonnes for RCC. Generally, steel is used in concrete, so we have added 100 kg of steel in concrete weight. In which cement is 350 kg, sand is 700 kg, aggregate is 1200 kg and water is 150 liters.

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