How to calculate cement, sand, and bricks quantity for 1m3 Brickwork

Hello, guys in this article we will discuss how to calculate cement, sand, and bricks quantity for 1m3 brickwork. after reading this article you can calculate the number of bricks, cement, and sand for 1m3 brickwork.

As we know Bricks are used for the construction of a wall in many countries in the world. To construct a brick wall, mortar is used as adhesive material to bind the bricks to each other. Generally, According to IS Code 10mm thickness of mortar is used in a brick wall.

how to calculate cement, sand, and bricks quantity for 1m3 brickwork
how to calculate cement, sand, and bricks quantity for 1m3 brickwork

How to calculate cement, sand, and bricks quantity for 1m3 brickwork

Cement, sand, and bricks quantity for 1m3 brickwork totally depends on what size brick wall you want to construct. Because generally brick wall are constructed in 2 sizes one is 4.5 inches and the second is 9 inches.

In 4.5 inch brick wall less material is required compared to a 9-inch brick wall. Because 9 inch brick wall has more thickness So, in 9 inch brick wall more mortar and bricks are required. Therefore, the construction cost of 9-inch brick wall increases. But don’t worry about brick wall size because we are going to calculate the number of bricks, cement, and sand in 1m3 brickwork.

How to calculate the number of bricks for 1m3 Brickwork

Brickwork volume = 1m3

Mortar Thickness = 10mm.

Standard Brick size = 190 mm × 90 mm × 90 mm.

Brick size with mortar thickness = 200 × 100 × 100 mm.

To calculate the number of bricks in 1m3 brick wall first of all we have to convert brick size mm to the meter. After that, we have to divide in 1m3 by the volume of 1 brick with mortar thickness.

The volume of 1 brick with mortar in meters = 0.20 × 0.10 × 0.10
= 0.002 m3.

Number of bricks in 1m3 brick wall formula = Volume of area ÷ volume of 1 brick with mortar.

Calculate the number of bricks in 1m3 = Area volume ÷ volume of 1 brick with mortar.
= 1m3 ÷ 0.002m3 = 500.

So, there are 500 bricks are required for a 1m3 brick wall. These 500 bricks also include mortar thickness.

How to calculate quantity of mortar for 1m3 brickwork

To calculate mortar quantity in 1m3 brickwork we have to subtract the actual volume of 500 bricks from 1m3. After subtracting we will get the wet mortar quantity. After that, we have to multiply in wet mortar quantity by 1.33 to get the dry volume of mortar.

The actual volume of 500 bricks = 500 × (Actual brick size)
= 500 (0.19 × 0.09 × 0.09).
= 0.7695 m3.

Hence, The actual volume of 500 bricks is 0.7695 m3.

Mortar quantity in 1m3 Brickwork = Total volume – Actual volume of 500 bricks.
= 1m3 – 0.7695 m3
= 0.230 m3.

0.230 m3 is the wet volume of mortar for 1m3 of brickwork.

Dry volume of mortar = wet volume of mortar × 1.33
= 0.230 m3 × 1.33.
= 0.3 m3.

Cement quantity required for 1m3 Brickwork

For 1:3 cement mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:3 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 3 part is sand. Therefore cement quantity in mortar is 1/4 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+3 = 4

Cement density = 1440 kg/m3.

Cement quantity = cement part in the mix × mortar dry volume × cement density.
= 1/4 × 0.3 m3 × 1440 kg/m3.
= 108 kg.

As we know that 1 bag of cement has 50 kg cement.
So, 108 ÷ 50 = 2.16 bags.

For 1m3 of brickwork 2.16 bags of cement will require. If we are taking 1:3 mix ratio of mortar.

For 1:4 cement mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:4 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 4 part is sand. Therefore cement quantity in mortar is 1/5 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+4 = 5

Cement density = 1440 kg/m3.

Cement quantity = cement part in the mix × mortar dry volume × cement density.
= 1/5 × 0.3 m3 × 1440 kg/m3.
= 86.4 = 86 kg.

As we know that 1 bag of cement has 50 kg cement.
So, 86 ÷ 50 = 1.72 bags.

For 1m3 of brickwork 1.72 bags of cement will require. If we are taking 1:4 mix ratio of mortar.

For 1:5 cement mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:5 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 5 part is sand. Therefore cement quantity in mortar is 1/6 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+5 = 6

Cement density = 1440 kg/m3.

Cement quantity = cement part in the mix × mortar dry volume × cement density.
= 1/6 × 0.3 m3 × 1440 kg/m3.
= 72 kg.

As we know that 1 bag of cement has 50 kg cement.
So, 72 ÷ 50 = 1.44 bags.

For 1m3 of brickwork 1.44 bags of cement will require. If we are taking 1:5 mix ratio of mortar.

For 1:6 cement mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:6 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 6 part is sand. Therefore cement quantity in mortar is 1/7 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+6 = 7

Cement density = 1440 kg/m3.

Cement quantity = cement part in the mix × mortar dry volume × cement density.
= 1/7 × 0.3 m3 × 1440 kg/m3.
= 61.71 = 62 kg.

As we know that 1 bag of cement has 50 kg cement.
So, 62 ÷ 50 = 1.24 bags.

For 1m3 of brickwork 1.24 bags of cement will require. If we are taking 1:5 mix ratio of mortar.

Sand quantity required for 1m3 Brickwork

For 1:3 cement sand mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:3 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 3 part is sand. Therefore sand quantity in mortar is 3/4 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+3 = 4

Sand density = 35.3147 CFT/m3.

Sand quantity = sand part in the mix × mortar dry volume × sand density.
= 3/4 × 0.3 m3 × 35.3147 CFT/m3.
= 7.94 = 8 CFT.

As we know that 35.3147 CFT is equal to 1m3.
So, 8 ÷ 35.3147 = 0.226 m3.

For 1m3 of brickwork 8 CFT or 0.226 m3 sand will require. If we are taking 1:3 mix ratio of mortar.

For 1:4 cement sand mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:4 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 4 part is sand. Therefore sand quantity in mortar is 4/5 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+4 = 5

Sand density = 35.3147 CFT/m3.

Sand quantity = sand part in the mix × mortar dry volume × sand density.
= 4/5 × 0.3 m3 × 35.3147 CFT/m3.
= 8.47 = 8.5 CFT.

As we know that 35.3147 CFT is equal to 1m3.
So, 8.5 ÷ 35.3147 = 0.240 m3.

For 1m3 of brickwork 8.5 CFT or 0.240 m3 sand will require. If we are taking 1:4 mix ratio of mortar.

For 1:5 cement sand mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:5 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 5 part is sand. Therefore sand quantity in mortar is 5/6 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+5 = 6

Sand density = 35.3147 CFT/m3.

Sand quantity = sand part in the mix × mortar dry volume × sand density.
= 5/6 × 0.3 m3 × 35.3147 CFT/m3.
= 8.82 = 8.8 CFT.

As we know that 35.3147 CFT is equal to 1m3.
So, 8.8 ÷ 35.3147 = 0.249 m3.

For 1m3 of brickwork 8.8 CFT or 0.249 m3 sand will require. If we are taking 1:5 mix ratio of mortar.

For 1:6 cement sand mortar ratio:

We are taking here 1:6 mix ratio, In which 1 part is cement and 5 part is sand. Therefore sand quantity in mortar is 6/7 part.

Dry volume of mortar = 0.3 m3.

Total mix ratio = 1+6 = 7

Sand density = 35.3147 CFT/m3.

Sand quantity = sand part in the mix × mortar dry volume × sand density.
= 6/7 × 0.3 m3 × 35.3147 CFT/m3.
= 9.08 = 9 CFT.

As we know that 35.3147 CFT is equal to 1m3.
So, 9 ÷ 35.3147 = 0.254 m3.

For 1m3 of brickwork 9 CFT or 0.254 m3 sand will require. If we are taking 1:6 mix ratio of mortar.

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Guys, In this article we have deeply discuss How to calculate cement, sand, and bricks quantity for 1m3 Brickwork. If you have read this article carefuly, then you can find out brick, cement, and sand quantity in 1 cubic meter.

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