RCC Roof Slab construction cost per sq ft

Hello friends, I am going to explain RCC Roof slab construction cost per sq ft and RCC roof slab construction cost per square foot in India.

To calculate the construction cost of the RCC roof slab per sq ft, we have to calculate all material cost separately, which is to be used in the construction of RCC roof slab. E.g. Shuttering Cost for RCC roof slab per Sq. ft., Labor Cost for RCC roof slab per Sq ft, Required Cement Cost Per Sq Ft For RCC roof Slab, Required Sand Cost For RCC roof Slab per Sq ft, and Required Aggregate cost for RCC roof slab per sq ft.

Since the RCC slab is a very important part of the building and the concrete used in the RCC slab should be of good quality. So for the construction of RCC roof slabs, M20 grade concrete uses as per the thumb rule and we will also consider M20 grade concrete for our calculations.

For any type of roof slab calculation, it is very important to know the thickness of the roof slab. generally, roof slab thickness is to be 4 to 6 inches thick. so we will take the thickness of the roof slab as 4 inches.

RCC roof slab cost per square foot
RCC Roof slab construction cost per sq ft in India 2022/2023

Required Steel Quantity and cost of RCC Roof slab per Sq ft

Area of roof slab = 1 sq ft.
The thickness of the roof slab = 4 inches = 4/12 ft.

first of all, we will calculate the wet volume of concrete.

The wet volume of concrete = Area of slab × thickness of the slab.
= 1 × (4/12).
= 0.333 cubic feet.

Now we need to convert the concrete volume from cubic feet to cubic meters. To convert cubic feet to cubic meters, you need to divide cubic feet by cubic meters.

We know that in 1 cubic meter, there are 35.314 cubic feet.

So, Concrete wet volume in cubic meter = concrete volume in CFT / 35.314.
= 0.333 / 35.314 = 0.009 m3.

As we know according to the thumb rule 80kg steel bar is required in a 1 cubic meter RCC slab.

So, the required quantity of steel in 1 sq ft roof slab = concrete wet volume × weight of steel in 1m3 According to the thumb rule.

= 0.009 × 80 = 0.72 kg.

Hence, 0.72 kg of steel is required for a 1 sq ft roof slab of 4-inch thickness.

Assuming the market price of steel is 80 INR then, the cost of the required steel is 80 × 0.72 = 57.6 INR.

How much Cement required for RCC slab per sq ft for | Cement cost per sq ft for RCC roof slab

As per the thumb rule, for a 1 sq ft roof slab 3 to 6 kg of cement is required.

we will take 4 kg of cement per square foot.

Assume the market price of 1 bag of cement is 400 INR. So 1 kg cement price is 400/50 = 8 Rupees.

Required cement price = 4 × 8 = 32 INR.

How much Sand required for RCC slab per sq ft | Sand cost for RCC slab per sq ft

As per the thumb rule For a 4 inches thick 1 sq ft roof slab 0.14 CFT sand is required.

Assume the market price of 1 CFT of sand is 70 INR.

So, the Required sand price = 0.14 × 70 = 9.8 INR.

Required Aggregate Quantity and cost of RCC Roof slab per Sq ft

As per the thumb rule for a 4 inches thick 1 sq ft roof slab 0.28 CFT sand is required.

Assume the market price of 1 CFT of aggregate is 100 INR.

So, the Required aggregate price = 0.28 × 100 = 28 INR.

Shuttering cost per sq ft for RCC roof slab construction

The shuttering cost in India depends on the floor of the building, construction location, and many other things. The cost of shuttering also depends on whether the shuttering is being done on steel plate or plywood. But the standard shuttering cost is around 25 INR per square foot. it includes shuttering labor costs.

Labor cost per sq ft for RCC roof slab construction

Labor cost for the roof slab depends on which floor of the building is being worked on. Because the labor cost thus increases for the construction work going on at high altitudes. Labor cost is also affected on the basis of states and cities.

We are telling you the estimated labor cost for various types of work.

  • Up to the plinth from the footing, labor cost is around 25 INR per sq ft.
  • For Brickwork 20 INR per sq ft.
  • For plaster 25 INR per sq ft.
  • For the RCC roof slab 30 INR per sq ft.

RCC construction cost per sq ft

Total RCC slab cost per sq ft = steel cost + cement cost + sand cost + aggregate cost + shuttering cost + labor cost.

= 57.6 + 32+ 9.8 + 28 + 25 + 30.
= 182.4 = 182 INR.

So, 182 would be required for 1 sq ft RCC roof slab construction.

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We have discussed in this article the RCC roof slab construction cost in India in 2022 and the RCC roof slab construction cost in India 2023. But this cost may be more or less depending on the time and place, so when you calculate the construction cost of per sq ft RCC roof slab, then change the material price according to your price.

What is the thickness of RCC roof slab?

RCC roof slab thickness should be 4 to 6 inches, but for residential buildings, it should be 4 inches thick.

What is the best thickness for a Roof

best thickness for roof is 3.5 to 4.5 inches for small normal residential buildings.

What ratio is RCC roofing?

For an RCC roof, the best RCC ratio is 1:1.5:3, in which 1 part cement, 1.5 part sand, and 3 part aggregate.

What is the best ratio for the RCC slab?

For an RCC roof, the best RCC ratio is 1:1.5:3, in which 1 part cement, 1.5 part sand, and 3 part aggregate.

What is the cost of the RCC slab?

All construction cost of an RCC slab is 700 to 1200 INR per square meter.

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