The header is an important part of every type of door. So it is important to know what is the maximum span for 2×6, 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12 size header. Because 2×6, 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12 these header size is most widely usable header size. By the way span of the any header depends upon many other factors. Which we will know further in this article.
What is header
Generally, the header is a horizontal beam that is placed on two walls. The header is made up of timber and Laminated veneer lumber (LVL). The header of a door is very important because the header carries the load of the above structure and transfers it into the walls. The wall transfers all load in the foundation by using a plinth beam.

Maximum span for 2×6, 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12 header
Maximum span of 2×6, 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12 size header depends on many factors like the load coming on the header, number of floors in the building, types of building, etc. But in this article, we will know the standard maximum span of 2×6, 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12 size headers according to general rules and guidelines.
Generally, headers of sizes 2×6, 2×8, 2×10 and 2×12 are not used single, headers of such sizes are used in double numbers. If you want to use a single header then you have to increase the width of the header. Like 4×6, 4×8, 4×10 and 4×12. Usually, the header size is considered in inches.
Maximum span for 2×6 header
A 2×6 size header can span up to 6 feet maximum according to general rules and guidelines. But as usual, we have to use a double 2×6 size header or one 4×6 size header. Because, generally, a 2×6 size header is not used singly. Here 2 is the width of the header and 6 is the depth of the header and it is in inches.
Maximum span for 2×8 header
A 2×8 size header can span up to 8 feet maximum according to general rules and guidelines. But as usual, we have to use a double 2×8 size header or one 4×8 size header. Because, generally, a 2×8 size header is not used singly. Here 2 is the width of the header and 8 is the depth of the header and it is in inches.
Maximum span for 2×10 header
A 2×10 size header can span up to 10 feet maximum according to general rules and guidelines. But as usual, we have to use a double 2×10 size header or one 4×10 size header. But I will suggest you should use a double 2×10 size header. Here 2 is the width of the header and 10 is the depth of the header and it is in inches.
Maximum span for 2×12 header
A 2×12 size header can span up to 12 feet maximum according to general rules and guidelines. But as usual, we have to use a double 2×12 size header or one 4×12 size header. But I will suggest you should use a double 2×12 size header. Here 2 is the width of the header and 12 is the depth of the header and it is in inches.
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