Types of concrete mix ratio and their strength

As we know concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, aggregate, and water, and this component proportion is called the mix ratio of concrete. The mix ratio of concrete determines the grade of concrete. Concrete grades are of many types but the mix ratio of concrete is classified into three types. If you want to know about types of concrete mix ratio and their strength in details then you shloud read this article carefuly.

Types of concrete mix ratio and their strength

Types of concrete mix ratio

Generally concrete mix ratio is of three types:

  1. Nominal Concrete mix ratio
  2. Standard concrete mix ratio
  3. Designed concrete mix ratio

Nominal concrete mix ratio

Nominal concrete mix ratio has fix proportion mix ratio. Its compressive strenght is lower than standard mix ratio. Except M20 grade concrete, Nominal mix ratio of concrete do not use in heavy construction and it is not suitable concrete for any load bearing structure. M20 grade concrete is the only concrete coming from the nominal mix ratio that can be used for load bearing structures. M5, M7.5, M10, M15, and M20 grade concrete come under nominal mix ratio.

This chart shows compressive strength of concrete after 28 days of pouring.

Normal mix ratio chart

Concrete gradeMix ratioCompressive strength (psi)Compressive strength (MPa)
M51:5:10725 psi5 MPa
M7.51:4:81087 psi7.5 MPa
M101:3:61450 psi10 MPa
M151:2:42175 psi15 MPa
M201:1.5:32900 psi20 MPa

Standard concrete mix ratio

Standard concrete mix ratio has more compressive strenght than the nominal mix ratio concrete. In Standard mix ratio concrete only M25 grade concrete have a fix mix ratio of material.

This chart shows compressive strength of concrete after 28 days of pouring.

Standard mix ratio chart

Concrete gradeMix ratioCompressive strength (psi)Compressive strength (MPa)
M251:1:23625 psi25 MPa
M30Design mix4350 psi30 MPa
M35Design mix5075 psi35 MPa
M40Design mix5800 psi40 MPa
M45Design mix6525 psi45 MPa

Designed concrete mix ratio

Designed mix ratio of concrete do not have fix proportion of material its mix ratio propotion designed by the professionals. You can achive any desiralbe strength of concrete by using Designes concrete mix ratio. By using such type concrete, some additives, and admixture it is possible to achive desirable setting time/ compressive strength and workbility of concrete.

This chart shows compressive strength of concrete after 28 days of pouring.

Designed mix ratio chart

Concrete gradeMix ratioCompressive strength (psi)Compressive strength (MPa)
M50Design mix7250 psi50 MPa
M55Design mix7975 psi55 MPa
M60Design mix8700 psi60 MPa
M65Design mix9425 psi65 MPa
M70Design mix10150 psi70 MPa

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