100 sq ft wall plaster cost

Walls plaster is very important for walls. Because it gives an attractive look to your building and without wall plastering, you can not do putty, or paintwork on walls. Walls plaster not only provides an attractive look to your house, but it also protects your walls and increases the wall’s life. To know the 10×10 wall plaster cost. First, you have to know how much cement and sand required for 100 sq ft wall plastering.

100 sq ft wall plastering cost

100 sq ft wall plaster cost
10×10 wall plaster cost

Mainly 3 factors affecting the plastering walls cost.

  • Thickness of plaster
  • Mix ratio of mortar
  • Labour cost

What should be the thickness of the plaster

The thickness of the plaster can vary from 6mm to 20mm. But 6mm to 10mm thickness of plaster is ideal for RCC or PCC (plane) surface. 12mm and 15mm thickness of plaster is generally used for brickwork plaster. If the wall surface is plain then 12mm thickness of plaster is used. And if the wall surface is rough then 15mm thickness of plaster is used.

So we will take plaster thickness 12mm

What should be mix ratio of mortar for plastering

For different types of surfaces, different mix ratios use like

  • 1:3 mix ratio of the mortar used for external wall plastering in severe climate conditions.
  • The 1:4 mix ratio of plaster is the most widely usable mix ratio. It is suitable for external wall plastering in normal conditions, ceiling plastering, concrete wall plastering, etc.
  • 1:5 this mix ratio is used for internal wall plastering.
  • 1:6 this mix ratio of mortar is also used for internal wall plastering with fine sand.

We will take 1:6 mix ratio of mortar for our further calculation.

Required material for 100 sq ft wall plaster

Generally, mortar requires for plaster, and mortar is made up of cement, sand, and water mixture. Therefore we will calculate the cost of cement and sand only. Because water is easily available, and water costs do not consider in the construction. So cement cost and sand costs will decide, the 10×10 wall plastering costs.

To calculate the required mortar for 10×10 of wall plaster first of all we have to convert all given data into meters.

Length of the wall = 10 ft = 3.048 meter
Width of the wall = 10 ft = 3.048 meter
The thickness of the mortar = 12mm = 0.012 meters.

So, the volume of the mortar = length × width × thickness
= 3.048 × 3.048 × 0.012
= 0.11148 = 0.1115 cubic meters.

Now, we have to add 30% extra volume to fill up joints and makeup of the un-unform surface of the wall.

Now the volume of mortar = 0.1115 × 1.30.
= 0.14495
= 0.1445 cubic meters.

So, 0.1445 cubic meters of mortar requires for 100 sq ft plastering. But this is the wet volume of mortar, and we have to calculate the dry volume of mortar. To calculate the dry volume of mortar we have to increase 25% the mortar volume by.

Dry volume of mortar = wet volume of mortar × 1.25
= 0.1445 × 1.25
= 0.1806 cubic meters.

0.1806 cubic meters of mortar requires for 10×10 wall plastering.

Cement required for 100 sq ft wall plaster

mix ratio of mortar = 1:6. So total sum of the mix ratios = 1+6 = 7.
Dry volume of mortar = 0.1806
Density of cement = 1440 kg/m3.

To calculate cement quantity in the mortar we have to divide in dry volume of mortar by the sum of mix ratios.

Cement volume in mortar = dry volume of mortar ÷ sum of mix ratio
= 0.1806 ÷ 7
= 0.0258 cubic meter.

0.0258 cubic meter of cement requires for plastering of 10×10 wall.

Cement quantity in mortar = cement volume in mortar × density of cement
= 0.0258 × 1440
= 37.152 = 37 kgs.

So, 37 kg cement required for 10×10 wall plaster.

Cement cost for 100 sq ft wall plastering

50 kg of cement bag price is approximately 400 rupess.
So 37 kg cement cost = 37 × (400 ÷ 50)
= 37 × 8 = 296 Rupess.

For plastering of 10×10 wall cement cost is 296 rupees.

Sand required for 100 sq ft wall plaster

Sum of total mix ratio = 1:6 = 1+6 = 7.
1 cubic meter is equal to 35.3147 cft.
Cement volume in the mortar = 0.0258 cubic meter.

Hence sand volume in the mortar 6 time of the cement volume

So sand volume = cement volume × 6
= 0.0258 × 6
= 0.1548 cubic meter.

Now sand quantity = sand volume × 35.3147
= 0.1548 × 35.3147
= 5.466 = 5.5 CFT.

So, 5.5 Cft sand will requires for the 10×10 wall plastering.

Sand cost for 100 sq ft wall plastering

1 cubic feet sand price is approx 60 rupess, but it can be change according to place and availability.

So sand cost for 100 sq ft plastering = 60 × 5.5
= 330 rupees.

For plastering of 10×10 wall sand cost is 296 rupees.

Labour cost for 100 sq ft wal plastering

Labour cost is around 15 rupees per sq ft. So 10×10 wall plastering labour cost is 15×100 = 1500 rupees.

So total cost of wall plastering = cement cost + sand cost + labour cost.
= 296 + 330 + 1500
= 2126 Rupees.


In this article we have discuss cement and sand cost for 10×10 wall plastering. And required cement and sand quantity for 100 sq ft wall plastering.

How much material is required for 100 sq ft wall plaster

0.1115 cubic meter material requires for 100 sq ft wall plaster.

How much mortar required for 100 sq ft of wall plaster?

0.1115 cubic meter mortar requires for 100 sq ft wall plaster.

How much cement required for 10×10 wall plastering?

If you will take the mix ratio of mortar 1:6 then 37 kg cement will requires for 100 sq ft wall platsering.

How much sand required for 10×10 wall plastering?

If you will take the mix ratio of mortar 1:6 then 5.5 CFT and will requires for 100 sq ft wall platsering.

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